Monday, July 9, 2007

the waiting game

Sure, the due date is still weeks away - 21 days to be exact. But we're ready now!

Carter, feel free to come at any time.

The room is finally put together ... for the most part. We made our friend Nathan help lug the exercise equipment downstairs and the crib upstairs. I felt kind of bad. We enticed him with food and then put him to work. (That's probably the last time he agrees to come over for dinner.) But hey, we got some good work out of him. (Thanks, Nathan.)

Our doctor's appointment last Thrusday was a weird one. The quick version: Baby is healthy, in position, and - in the doctor's terms - "Wow, you have a big baby." She said that right as she walked out the door.

As you can imagine, we had some unanswered questions.

It turns out, although Michele is at 36 weeks she is measuring at 38.5 weeks. So really, Carter could come at anytime. Michele is really hoping he comes sooner rather than later. (Not that we really have much to say about that.)

It seems babies are showing up all around us. Our friends Heidi and Brian just gave birth to cute little Gabriel. My brother and sister-in-law, Scott and Megan, just welcomed Ruby Grace to the family. And friends Eric and Ashley received beautiful Audrey on the 4th of July. Needless to say, our lives are pretty baby focused at the moment. I can't imagine holding one of these cute little guys and knowing he's our own.

Thanks for all your support and encouragement. Keep praying that Carter Andrew Fordice arrives healthy and happy - and that mom and dad are ready for this new stage in life.

Is anyone ever fully ready for this?


Buck said...

The last days of your freedom are quickly coming to an end. Your new lives will be filled with the work and conversations about ... poop, pee, diapers, poop, sleep, poop, and food.

the fordices said...

Sounds like fun!

Don Woodward said...

The family awaits the arrival of the Little King (heir to the throne) along with you. The wait might be a bit easier for us though. Very excited about young Carter coming into the world.

Also want to comment on this new blog. I can't wait to see what you do with it. You are a talented writer, Jay, and this blog provides a great opportunity for you to put some of your ideas and opinions in front of an interested audience. Perhaps this blog will just be the family photo album, and that's cool too. Maybe you'll have another blog to share your mind on things. I just want to encourage you to take it to the next level. We'll follow you there.

Prayers are with you and Michele now and in the exciting days ahead.

the fordices said...

Thanks, Don! Very encouraging. We're excited to see where God leads!